Our Story

The Saddlebrooke Barbershop Chorus, based in Saddlebrooke Arizona, is a chartered chorus of the International Barbershop Harmony Society. Our objective is to sing barbershop music to the best of our capabilities, have fun doing so and enjoy the comradeship of our fellow singers. Most barbershop choruses and quartets participate in annual competitions; we do not. We strive to put on an annual show in the DesertView Performing Arts Center and sing at retirement and assisted living facilities and for other local clubs, groups, and private events.

Our Chorus is currently led by Interim Director Bruce Kistler and Assistant Director Rogers Hornsby, and previously by Interim Director Rob Foltz. We are currently searching for a permanent Director.

From 2006 through early 2020, we were very fortunate to have Nancy Bergman (1927-2023) as our director, leader, and teacher for many years. Nancy had a life time of involvement with barbershop in many responsible roles and was known internationally in both the women’s and men’s barbershop organizations. She was a member of a women’s international championship quartet and was a master arranger. You may notice that many of the songs we sing were arranged by Nancy.

The chorus has been in existence for more than 20 years. It was originally named the Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus, to try to reach out to singers across the area north of Tucson. It is currently called the Saddlebrooke Barbershop Chorus, to reflect the fact that most members live in the SaddleBrooke community.

We sing all of our music from memory and it’s probably the biggest challenge for us retired gentlemen. Where possible, we use electronic aids to assist in learning the music.

We have minimal monthly dues, currently $15, and each singer is responsible for their "uniforms" for the annual show as well as for informal sing-outs we perform. We encourage our singers to be members of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

Singing in the barbershop chorus does require a commitment of time and effort in addition to the weekly rehearsals primarily to memorize the songs. We find this is the greatest challenge in encouraging membership in our chorus. After many years of commitments and finally being able to retire it seems counterintuitive to take on another commitment but we have found that finally being able to enjoy singing and particularly barbershop makes retirement that much more fulfilling.