
the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus!

The Saddlebrooke Barbershop Chorus is always looking for new singers to join us. Rehearsals are (nearly) every Tuesday from September through May, and every other Tuesday June through August. Check our calendar below for exact rehearsal times or use our contact form to request current rehearsal information. In most instances, rehearsals are in the Agate room of the Arts and Crafts building (next to the Saddlebrooke HOA2 Mountainview clubhouse) at 38725 S Mountainview Blvd. No auditions are necessary, but you must be able to carry a tune, including matching pitches, following rhythms, and singing words. Dues for each month (September through May) are $15 per person.

We are affiliated with the Barbershop Harmony Society, a national organization with 750 chapters and 21,000 members. Our members may, and are encouraged to, join the BHS but it is optional. We do not compete in contests sponsored by BHS, we do this strictly for the enjoyment of it. We perform one full length concert per year, usually in December and usually in conjunction with another group or well-known quartet, and also actively search for “sing outs” where we perform at various events/locations around the Tucson area. Uniforms needed for the show and for the "sing-outs" are available for a reasonable cost.

In addition to singing with the entire group, quartet singing is also greatly encouraged; it is the foundation of barbershop singing and can be very rewarding and satisfying!

We look forward to meeting you! Feel free to attend a rehearsal to see what we are all about. If you show up unannounced, we have Guest Books of music that you can use for the evening, but we ask that you return them at the end of the evening. If we have your email address, a rehearsal plan is emailed to each member prior to each Tuesdays rehearsal.