Donations and Advertising

Support the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus!

SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus welcomes your support. Member dues and concert ticket sales cover only a portion of our operating expenses. Please join us in supporting this excellent group! Canada Del Oro Barbershop Chorus (DBA Saddlebrooke Barbershop Chorus) is a 501c3 non-profit organization, which means that your gift is tax deductible. Any gift you give will be acknowledged and appreciated.

 Donate via PayPal 
Coming Soon!

Click the Donate button below to donate to SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus through PayPal. PayPal accepts all major credit cards and bank account transfers. Options for donating, including sponsorship levels, appear below.


We are also interested in providing a "sing-out" for your group or organization, for a small fee. These sing-outs help us to keep our performing skills sharp during the year, and also help cover our operating expenses. Birthdays, parties, events, you name it! We can do anywhere from a couple of familiar barbershop tunes, up to a half hour or more of music. If you are interested in scheduling us to sing at your event, please contact us.